Tuesday, December 3, 2013

London Real Estate Report for December 3, 2013

London Real Estate Report for December 3, 2013

Once again the Sales (conditional & firm) have outpaced the number of listing coming on the system. This sure helps the list to sell ratio for this month. Also 10 properties had a price change - likely down trying to catch the market.

December Deadlines for Condo Liens

December Deadlines for Condo Liens

Just got an interesting email from the Toronto Law Firm Fine & Deo reminding all their clients about the Christmas season and what should be done to make sure all liens are properly placed before the end of December. I hope all condo owners, boards and managers have given some thought to this matter.  Have a Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 2, 2013

London Ontario Real Estate Summary - December 2, 2013


November was a month where listings out paced the sales by a margin of 2.20 to 1. The data shows that the market is in the buyer market range. Three things sell a home: Location, Condition and Price. Which of these is affecting your sale?